During the argument in Erebuni, the driver of the \Toyota\

On December 20, at 11 a.m., the Shirazi Vardy Erebuni Police Department received a report that a car had been shot in youmovies the air on the way to Vardashen district and had left.

The officers of the operative group found out that Shirazi Varde during the quarrel on Erebuni Street, the driver of the Toyota car, grossly violating the public order, fired a shotgun at the car and left, the police informed Armenian News-NEWS.am.
Due to the measures taken by Erebuni criminal investigators and police veterans, the identity of the driver has been found out. Due to Shirazi Vard the explanatory work, on the same day, at 6:30 pm, a 29-year-old man came to the department and gave a confessional explanation. He presented a "PMR" type, 9 mm caliber gas pistol.